Saturday, September 18, 2010

Concent Fallacies

The fallacy I chose to do is "Bad appeal to authority: (Almost) any argument that ____ gives about ____ is (probably) true. This means that just based on the fact that someone is in a place of authority, then their arguments would always be true. The problem with this is we are more prone to believe them because of their qualifications that make them authoritative in our eyes. For example, you know nothing about cars, and your car just broke down! So of course you're forced to take it to a mechanic for repairs. Upon checking out the car, the mechanic then piles up a huge list of what is wrong and needs to be fixed. You, not knowing a thing about cars are more likely to just nod your head in agreement. The fact is, this mechanic could be taking advantage of you and piling on extra repairs that aren't needed in order to make more money for himself! This situation is where "bad appeal to authority" really shines!

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