Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Four Types of Leadership

Reading through the Group Communication book brought me across the four types of leadership. I was always aware that different leadership styles existed as I had participated in many group activities over the years, but I didn't know that they were all specifically named. They are authoritarian, consultative, participative, and laissez-faire. Authoritarian and consultative leadership styles both yield member dissatisfaction, which I can agree with! Participating in a group where your input holds little to know value is really discouraging. Unfortunately I have been in groups like this and it is definitely not a fun or reward experience for that matter. The best leadership style I learned was participative, where the leader actually readily accept input and ideas. Any member's idea also has the ability to influence the way the group moves on with what they are doing. Groups like this are a pleasure to work in. It is the type of leadership I like to employ whenever I take charge of a group, and I have always had positive results every time!

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