Saturday, November 13, 2010

Reasoning by Analogy

Out of all the different types of reasoning given to us this week, I thought reasoning by analogy was a little difficult to get a grasp on. To solve this problem, I typed in "reasoning by analogy" into google, and found a great website that explained it fairly well. They define reasoning by analogy as "A is like B" or "X is similiar to Y". Seeing how reasoning by analogy can be broken into such simple parts really helped me to understand the concept. The site also stated that reasoning by analogy was simply another form of inductive reasoning, which also made it easier to grasp the concept because all I had to do was look at some inductive reasoning examples to really understand it better. I was glad this discussion question pushed us to do a little more research because now I feel I have a much better understanding of reasoning by analogy. All I have to do is fill in the blanks, like in the "A is like B" example!

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